Mitch and Holley Keim would like to invite you their 1st annual
Team of 4
18 Holes of Golf
2 Carts
2 Beverage Cart tickets per person
Prize Holes
Dinner & Awards
Winning team – Free entry to next year’s event + prize
Mitch & Holley Keim's Story
When Holley and Mitch got married, they were both on the same page about having children – it was something they agreed that they didn’t want any part of. They were going to be the fun aunt and uncle whose only responsibility was taking care of each other. Being the fun aunt and uncle to not only their own nieces and nephews but to their friends’ little ones quickly changed their minds.
After over a year of trying they finally got pregnant for the second time. After their first pregnancy loss they were both scared and taking it one day at a time trying to not get too ahead of themselves. Eventually, they got to hear Dunkin’s heartbeat, they got to watch Dunkin grow and they got to feel Dunkin kick and punch as they started preparing for his arrival.
Unfortunately, they never got to meet Dunkin. Dunkin’s heart stopped beating and he was delivered on New Years Eve 2024, 36 weeks into his journey.
Throughout this unimaginable process there were plenty of resources shared but the one that stood above all was the Forget-Me-Not basket they received from one of their nurses. Between the resources provided, trinkets and stuffed elephant, Forget-Me-Not allowed us to leave the hospital with some sense of comfort in such a dark time.
Proceeds from this event will benefit Forget-Me-Not Baskets.